Ways the Montessori Approach Benefits Gifted Children

Gifted children, those who are ahead of their peers in one or more developmental areas, have specialized educational needs. While not the only schooling option, Montessori preschools are especially well-positioned to meet the unique needs of these children. Here are the various ways that the Montessori approach to teaching benefits gifted children.

Activity Choices Let Children Pursue What They Enjoy


What Do You Need to Know About Uninterrupted Work Periods?

girl studying What is the uninterrupted work period? Unlike other schools, the Montessori classroom offers children the chance to explore and engage with a prepared environment for a set block of time. If you’re new to Montessori, take a look at the top questions answered about this cornerstone of classroom practice. (more…)


The Montessori Classroom and Respect

Respect is at the heart of the Montessori classroom. The ideas of grace and courtesy prevail in this educational setting. How can you help your child learn about respect? Take a look at the top tips to help your child learn about this quality in a patient, tolerant way.

Model Respect

You can’t expect your child to show (or even understand) respect if you don’t lead by example. Montessori educators respect their students. They also expect the students will give the same respect back — both to adults and their peers.

How can you role model respect for your child? Some of the easiest ways to do so include:



Painting, Preschoolers, and the Montessori Classroom

In the Montessori classroom, painting means more. What can you expect from your child’s first experiences with temperas, watercolors, and other paint products? Take a look at the answers to some of the top preschool painting questions.

How Is Painting Different in the Montessori Classroom?

Montessori classrooms (and the teachers) encourage exploration. Your child is central to their education and is the leader of the learning experience. This means you won’t find ready-made art projects that children are instructed to piece together. You also won’t find strict painting instruction or a teacher who tells your child what to create.



Questions to Ask Your Preschooler After Their Montessori Day

You carefully chose Montessori as a preferred preschool program for your child. But at the end of their school day, they get into the car and say absolutely nothing. What can you do to learn more about your child’s day? Take a look at the top conversation starters that will get your child talking.

What Activities Did You Choose?

Unlike traditional school classrooms, Montessori preschools provide young children with the chance to make their own choices. This fosters a sense of independence in learning — and in life. Instead of the teacher scheduling specific activities (such as finger painting or block play) throughout the day, Montessori educators provide their students with options.



What to Expect From Early Childhood Emotional and Social Development

Montessori preschool helps a young child to grow into a capable, knowledgeable, independent person. Whether you’re new to Montessori or not, understanding your preschooler’s development can help you to better work with the teacher, set expectations, and provide the most support possible.

Take a look at the major emotional and social milestones for three- to five-year-olds and how Montessori can help your child to reach them. (more…)


Separation Anxiety and the Montessori Classroom

Whether your child spent their first few years at home or in a traditional daycare center, starting Montessori preschool is a change. If your child is resistant or anxious about starting Montessori, take a look at the simple steps to ease the transition.

Understand the Issue

The tears and please to not leave are upsetting for any parent. But your child’s anxious behavior isn’t permanent. Separation anxiety is a normal reaction to a new situation. Unlike infants or younger toddlers, who can’t process or identify their anxious feelings, your preschool-aged child can.This may make morning tantrums seem unnecessary or even babyish.



Creating a Peace Corner at Home

Child playing with a small tabletop zen garden in a peace corner

A Peace Corner is a small, safe space where a child may choose to go to exercise self-regulation of their emotions. Our Children’s Houses have a Peace Corner. We suggest the following for creating a Peace Corner in your home:


Why Choose Montessori?

Your child’s life-long learning experiences start now. If you’re not sure where your toddler or preschooler’s educational experiences should begin, take a look at the reasons to consider Montessori schools.

A Time-Tested Method

Montessori is a method with a rich history. In 1907 Dr. Maria Montessori opened her first Casa dei Bambini, or “children’s house.” The Italian physician and educator used a scientific approach to children’s learning to better understand what a quality environment looked like.


How Your SPD Kindergartener Will Benefit From a Montessori School

Having a child with sensory processing disorder can be frustrating, especially in regard to school issues. Children with SPD often have issues with focusing on current tasks, transitioning into new projects, or motor skill problems, such as holding a pencil, scissors, or other school-related items.

In a traditional classroom setting, your child with sensory processing disorder can be seen as disruptive, overly emotional, or academically challenged. In reality, your little one is really just trying to take in the world in bits and pieces or all at once, depending on whether they are a sensory introvert or an active seeker. (more…)