Why Choose Montessori?

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Your child’s life-long learning experiences start now. If you’re not sure where your toddler or preschooler’s educational experiences should begin, take a look at the reasons to consider Montessori schools.

A Time-Tested Method

Montessori is a method with a rich history. In 1907 Dr. Maria Montessori opened her first Casa dei Bambini, or “children’s house.” The Italian physician and educator used a scientific approach to children’s learning to better understand what a quality environment looked like.

Through observations and first-hand experiences, Dr. Montessori created an educational approach that was completely different from any other type of existing school or learning program.

Following the initial Casa dei Bambini opening, Dr. Montessori opened two more schools (in San Lorenzo, Italy) later the same year. By 1910 her schools had spread through Western Europe, with the first U.S. school opening in 1911.

Dr. Montessori continued her research, opening new schools and writing books on her method. Less than a decade after bringing her first school to America, over 100 Montessori schools had opened and were operating in this country. With more than a century of educating children, Montessori programs now include over 5,000 schools in the United States that serve one million plus children.

A Research-Based Approach

Along with a rich history, the Montessori method also comes with a significant research base — demonstrating the effectiveness of the educational program. Not only is the philosophy built on the intensive research of Dr. Maria Montessori, but current studies also show the effectiveness of these educational programs.

Years’ worth of research demonstrates that students in Montessori schools excel at academic tasks, have greater school-year gains, have better social skills (in comparison to children in other types of educational environments), and are more engaged in their schoolwork.

An Individual Education

Your child is an individual — and a one-size-fits-all approach won’t accommodate this. Montessori educators understand that children learn in different ways, at different times, and at different paces. The classroom, the materials, and the underlying educational philosophy in Montessori schools support these differences, allowing children to learn in the ways they need to.

Self-directed, child-centered activities allow young students to explore, make discoveries, and work in a way that best meets their own needs.

In comparison, other (but not all) types of schools and philosophies don’t accommodate the child’s individual learning. Instead, they often force young children into a rigid structure that doesn’t provide the engaging learning environment necessary to grow and develop.

An Independent Environment

Even though your child needs help and constant supervision, they also need to grow into an independent individual. The framework of the Montessori classroom encourages independence, helping children to build skills, self-regulate, and act for themselves.

A Holistic Setting

Montessori takes the whole child into account and not just one single scholastic aspect. Unlike other schools that focus on testing or traditional academic areas (such as reading, writing, and math), Montessori educators help their students to develop practical life, language, culture, sensory, and mathematical thinking skills.

Don’t allow the idea of a holistic approach to education fool you. This doesn’t mean your child won’t learn their letters or how to add —they certainly will. But they’ll also develop abilities that go well beyond what other schools may consider standard. This type of educational setting allows your child to develop as a whole person and not just as a test-taker or cookie-cutter type of student.

Are you ready to choose your child’s first educational experience? Do you want to learn more about what the Montessori approach has to offer? Contact Miniapple International Montessori Schools for more information. We have Montessori schools available in Minneapolis, Roseville, and Oakdale.